cucumber, rose and mint ice cream



A deeply refreshing way to combat all this humidity and super easy to make. Don’t expect any big, bolshy in your face flavours, this is all subtlety and lightness. I’ve found it surprisingly hard to find ice cream in the shops for my 2 year old that isn’t full of sugar and xanthan gum. My reduced nonsense version has gone down an absolute treat.

I must confess to not being the world’s greatest rosewater fan (it always reminds me of long, tedious hours spent hanging around incense-laden sari shops in Southall while my mum and her friends would marvel over roll after yawnsome roll of silk) so I’ve added just enough to provide some background noise. Feel free to stir in more if you like.


1 large cucumber, peeled and cut into chunks

1 tbsp. lime juice

small bunch mint leaves (about 25g)

100g sugar

300ml double cream

1 tsp. rosewater (use the stuff from the Indian shops for a more intense fragrance)

2 tbsp. syrup from a jar of stem ginger or honey

big pinch or two of sea salt

1 tbsp. vanilla extract


blitz the mint and sugar in a food processor. Add the cucumber chunks and lime juice and continue to blend until quite liquid.

Heat the cream over a very gentle heat and tip in the cucumber mix plus all remaining ingredients.

Churn in an ice cream maker and freeze.



  1. wow! compliments! delicious recipe!

  2. Hello lovely, how are you? I like the clean look and feel of the ice cream! Is it chunky? And tell me…does your two year old like it? X

  3. Pingback: Food Links, 18.06.2014 | Tangerine and Cinnamon

  4. Looks utterly delicious — would fit into this month’s Bloggers Scream For Ice Cream, if you want to include it? (On my blog, there’s a little ice cream cone in the menu, look for June’s fruit challenge). x

  5. Wow! I love cooking! Ice cream. . . but yet healthy? 😉 Do you know if I could use a non-dairy substitute for the cream?

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