
When did it all get so manic? I find myself with so little time on my hands these days that I rarely make it to foodie launches or parties anymore. In fact, I hate to admit it, but I’m rapidly becoming more of a bolted-salad-on-the-way-to-the-next- board-meeting kind of woman. Last night however, I decided to ditch the shoulder pads and found myself at the launch of Wahaca’s new summer menu. The thing I love about Thomasina’s food is the way in which the dishes are all so unpretentious, authentic and secretly quite good for you.

Highlights included a mouth popping ceviche tostada, a ridiculously intense hibiscus and passionfruit jelly and my favourite fryer-fresh, cinnamon-scented churros y chocolate. I do luff the fried dough.

I’d never tried cornbread before- our seemingly endless feast included warm buttercup yellow hunks of the stuff. The texture was lovely, like savoury Madeira cake which came replete with a fat slick of rich mole sauce.  I also loved the new cactus taco with courgette and cheese – the cactus flesh was a revelation; subtle, savoury and yet simultaneously bursting with freshness. What’s more 20p of the cost of each of these beauties goes to the EDNICA Charity, supporting the street children of Mexico.  Never before has doing it for the kids been quite so delicious…


  1. You’re eating food that is secretly good for you?!?! This must stop (although secretly I wish I had been able to go to Wahaca)

    And what’s with the shoulder pads?

  2. Oh I’d have loved to attend this!

  3. I really wanted to go to this but guess what? Had to work late. Role reversal! I’m sorry I missed it because it all looks really fresh. I agree though, you gotta luff the fried dough.

  4. You lucky thing – I only went to Wahaca for first time about 2 months ago but have managed 3 visits since!!! It’s marvellous, I can’t wait to try the new menu.

  5. The pics look amazing, I can’t wait to try that ceviche! Indeed I haven’t seen you for ages, I am missing you “shoulder padded lady”! Lx

  6. I love Wahaca,and love the sound of the new menu additions. It’s been too long since I ate there, and think a pilgramage is definitely in order!

  7. The summer menu sounds worth checking out – especially the jelly!

    I’ve only been to Wahaca twice – both times at the Westfield – and I think it’s fab. Quick and friendly service and the tasty dishes of food just keep rolling out.

    • gastrogeek

      ha! Sorry FU. I also have an enormous bouffant 80’s ellenet sponsored hairdo and stilettos. I mean business you know.

      Kavey – I wish you had!

      Helen – shame, would have lovely to see you my dear.

      Sarah – I can see why, you must try the new dishes!

      Luiz – cheers, and lovely to see you the other evening, thanks for inviting me! X

      HelenT – It’s great, I can’t wait to go back.

      Katie – that jelly was so intensely fruity, i want more now!

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