Red Leicester and Nigella seed biscuits

Poor camera phone filming. Poor sound. Nice biscuits.


  1. Leigh Almond

    Lovely looking biscuits! I will definitely try this recipe.

  2. Like it! Videos are fun, it’s good to mix it up a bit. I have shot lots but it’s editing them that stops me every-single-time. Should have a few from travels and recipes coming up soon (when I can face editing 😉

  3. Looks brilliant! Going to give this a go!

  4. That was very good. You speak really well and clearly. No hummm or ahhhhs. So the camera and sound is a bit ‘reality’ but you got the message across no probs. And as for your kitchen… it’s the double the size of mine!

  5. Love it – more videos please! I’d definitely try these with Red Leicester or a farmhouse Cheddar or Parmesan.

  6. So gorgeous- both you in the video and the biscuits.

  7. Fab Rej! Defo must try the biscuits. Cant go wrong with cheese & nigella seeds. Please do more! Loving the scoffing of biccies at the end;) M xx

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